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TomEpiSet (2017 - 2020)

Parthenocarpy as a strategy to overcome reduced fruit set and fruit yield in tomato under heat stress conditions

The TomEpiSet project aims to uncover new means and strategies to overcome poor fruit setting and the resulting low yield Under elevated temperature using tomato as reference species. The main novelty of the project is to unravel of the epigenetic components of the fruit set process and parthenocarpy in relation to auxin signaling. Genome-wide transcriptomic profiling combined to chromatin immuno-precipitation and protein-protein interaction studies will generate extensive multidimensional expression maps ofepigenetic marks and auxin signaling factors allowing uncovering new components of the fruit set process. Elucidating the mechanisms underpinning fruit set by integrating epigenetic mechanisms and auxin signaling will represent a major breakthrough in our understanding of reproductive biology and will open the way to the design of new strategies towards improving crop yield, particularly in adverse environmental condition leading to poor flower fertilization.

Modification date : 21 June 2023 | Publication date : 13 September 2016 | Redactor : SL