Titre du projet : Modélisation de la capture de l’eau et des nutriments par les racines des plantes : approche mathématique et numérique prenant en compte l’architecture du système racinaire

Acronyme :

Coordinateur : C. DOUSSAN

Financeurs : RTRA – Agropolis fondation, Montpellier

Enveloppe global du projet : 42514 €

 Partenaires :

Personnes de l’UMR EMMAH impliquées dans le projet : Gaëlle Mesgouez, Claude Doussan, Marie-Christine Néel, Nicolas Beudez (CDD)

Responsable du projet à EMMAH : Claude Doussan

Résumé :

Among mineral nutrients, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are key elements for plant growth. However, in heavily fertilized agriculture, these nutrients can be potentially pollutants for water resources and, in the case of P, its availability might be limited in the future, as a non-renewable resource. As an answer to these problems, low-input agriculture shall be devised by optimizing the use of fertilizers (or soil natural resources) and water by plant roots in the soil. The aim of this proposal is to better understand the interactive effects between root system architecture (geometry, growth) and P / water uptake, in relation with the soil spatial variability of resources. This will be undertaken by numerical modeling and mathematical optimization with different levels of details in the description of the root system. This should result in a modeling coupling soil water/nutrient transfer and uptake by a root system architecture, including retro-actions between aerial and subterranean parts of the plant.

Date de modification : 21 juin 2023 | Date de création : 10 octobre 2011 | Rédaction : C.DOUSSAN